
Friends & Frustrations


frus-tra-tion n.
1. the feeling of being upset or annoyed, esp. because of inability to change to achieve something.
2. an event or circumstance that causes one to have such a feeling.
3. the inevitable result of being in high school and/or a teenager.

In a nutshell, I am so done with APUSH (AP U.S. History).  Right now?  I have three honors classes and one AP.  My grades?  A’s in every single one of my honors classes (one of which is SCIENCE for God’s sake!) and my first F in APUSH.  I’m going to have to find out if (a) it’s possible to just give up now and retake it over the summer and (b) if I do that, how much will it kill my GPA?  Or will my GPA remain unaffected if I pass my AP exam?

I freaking hate my teacher, too.  I like all my other teachers.  Even my red-haired, Italian science teacher whom everyone else hates.  (I think it’s because Ms. Science Teacher actually doesn’t let any of my fellow freshman classmates get away with anything.  The complaining in there is insane.  These freshman have no clue how much harder their school careers will get.  *evil laugh*) 

But I digress…

My APUSH teacher?  Double, triple oy.  Her teaching style isn’t helping anybody.  Maybe she’s trying to push us to that “college level” but if so, she really needs to tell us how to take notes by hearing lectures!  Half my friends in that class are failing.  And by this point, they’re just plain giving up.  I’m ready to go with them.


Thank God I have friends to turn to.  I don’t have, like, a best friend that lives close by that I can see whenever I want and we can giggle and gossip after school and stuff.  But since entering public high school my sophomore year, I’ve made a lot of really good friends.  Yesterday was crazzy for me because three people randomly started texting me and I was like, “Holy fudddgeee!” at the sudden influx of people’s attentions.

I think what’s suddenly binding me to some of my  gal friends is the topic of boys.  Which is ironic, because I’ve never had a boyfriend or anything and haven’t gotten any offers, but I’ve had a few crushes.  Boys = Lots of Sometimes Enjoyable Drama.  The said drama makes my life interesting but then again, it really brings the stress along with it.  Luckily, I’m boy-stress-free at the mo’.

Still.  I’m really glad that I have the friends that I do, even if I only see them at school.


  1. Hey, I decided to check out your new blog after seeing a link to it on your book blog. It's fun to read! I completely understand what you mean about friends and high school. I'm pretty much the same exact way- I moved to my high school during freshman year and didn't have friends at first, but now that I have them it's super awesome, even if I only see them at school! And boys definitely cause enjoyable drama, even though I've never had a boyfriend either I can totally relate. And AP US History! I'm in that class too! It's ridiculously hard, but good luck! That's really too bad you have a terrible teacher- I know how that can kill a class. I completely understand your pain. :(

    Anyway, it's a lot of fun reading your blog! I almost feel like I'm reading my own thoughts... Haha, that sounds REALLY weird. Anyway, good luck with school and such!

  2. Hey this is a "it's not just me!" moment! ^_^ Looove those. :)
