
Sample Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ullamcorper ligula quis enim blandit, pulvinar scelerisque sapien posuere. Nunc egestas sapien sollicitudin ligula suscipit molestie vel vitae leo. Proin vel tempus velit. Aenean consequat accumsan diam vitae sodales. Etiam ultricies nulla vel lacinia iaculis. Sed malesuada odio sit amet porttitor feugiat. Nullam congue in turpis a dictum. Vestibulum at metus lacus. Integer quam eros, laoreet vitae enim ut, malesuada luctus sem. Duis sit amet erat vitae ante bibendum pulvinar id sed est. Proin mauris magna, mattis nec purus non, placerat facilisis justo. Aenean dictum erat sit amet magna sollicitudin, ut mattis nunc volutpat. Etiam odio diam, sagittis et condimentum in, dictum vitae lorem.

  1. Nullam sit amet magna eget arcu suscipit rutrum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In luctus nisi id faucibus bibendum. Duis lacinia elit sit amet velit scelerisque gravida. Aliquam in dolor consectetur, tempus nulla vel, interdum orci. Fusce non posuere enim, ac sagittis risus. Suspendisse commodo tortor ut tincidunt vehicula.
  • Quisque congue nulla et massa tempus, vel faucibus nulla tincidunt. In nunc eros, pretium id cursus sit amet, vehicula rhoncus libero. Curabitur non nisi sit amet nisi dignissim lobortis a a enim. Phasellus non imperdiet ipsum. Etiam a augue faucibus, dictum mauris vel, mollis neque. Curabitur in consectetur massa. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam et scelerisque eros, ac faucibus metus. Cras luctus nunc vulputate faucibus malesuada. Duis erat felis, vulputate ac faucibus id, auctor eu lorem. Phasellus faucibus blandit metus, vel tincidunt risus facilisis id. Curabitur commodo feugiat urna vehicula mattis.

In My Mailbox

Vestibulum pulvinar

Lacus at posuere pellentesque

Nisi diam posuere sapiensit amet ullamcorper neque elit dapibus magna. Vivamus posuere aliquet fermentum. Nunc a turpis tincidunt, posuere tortor nec, sollicitudin mi. Fusce porta metus lectus, semper egestas lorem semper quis. Nam pretium bibendum eros, vitae vulputate diam ullamcorper ac. Cras id mollis tortor, ut lacinia orci. Ut vel viverra ipsum. Cras mi arcu, pellentesque ut volutpat et, pretium et sapien.

Nunc elementum leo eget purus rhoncus iaculis. Proin quis leo vel est mattis dictum. Proin sagittis purus ut leo viverra volutpat. Curabitur tristique dolor vitae sapien molestie imperdiet. Morbi volutpat diam a purus blandit, at pretium odio iaculis. Morbi tempor ipsum ut risus bibendum, nec vestibulum metus scelerisque. Sed luctus quam nec eros cursus posuere. Nunc non ultricies justo, vel sollicitudin lectus. Proin vitae risus ullamcorper, vehicula odio in, consequat risus. In sit amet nisl diam. Maecenas ultricies, diam eu pellentesque dignissim, augue nisi rhoncus eros, et tristique libero metus non nibh. Nam viverra urna ut dolor vehicula sagittis. Maecenas vel lorem neque.


A Dark and Deadly Song


A Dark and Deadly Song

by Amelia Robinson

March 24, 2013
Ball Challenge, Figment.com

Prompt: Write an opening scene for a novel. Your scene should begin in the middle of the action—and there should be an unanswered question. Why is your character being chased; crying hysterically; hiding in the bathroom? It’s up to you what the “ball” is—just make sure to hide it!

Word Limit: 500 or less

Description: A boy finds the victim of a vicious werewolf attack.
Her gasps were wet because half her throat was gone.

I took a cursory glance over the rest of her body because I knew Doctor Graham would want to know the details. It was the smell that kept my stomach in my mouth. Blood, human blood especially, brought on the swelling desire for the hunt, and when you went your entire life eating things well cooked, suddenly taking a fancy to raw meat came with some adjustment.

Though my wolf roused at the thought of soft flesh, I couldn’t do more than glance over the exposed innards of her belly.

I swallowed, then grimaced as the scent of death slid into my gut.

Just concentrate.

In addition to her belly, her sternum had been split open. It started at her left collarbone, drew across her chest, then tapered off after slicing through several ribs on her right side.

A hip bone poked out. So did a knee cap. A bit of her thigh muscle was gone on both sides, and both of her calves were broken.

I didn’t remember my attack being so vicious, but then again, I’d been a wuss. I’d lost consciousness soon after my attacker loped away.

The girl gurgled, like she was trying to speak.

I knew there was damage to her face. There was always damage to the face. I could see the stark contrast between the white sheet of her skin and the dark swath of blood in my peripheral vision, but I couldn’t… I swallowed death again, and wished fiercely that Steven were here to do the honorable thing: talk to her, smooth her hair off her forehead, and ease her passing.

I remembered my attack. That moment just before slipping into blackness when I was so sure – so sure – that I was dying, and being consumed by fear and pain because there was nothing I could do but die.

I’d be a real bastard if I couldn’t even bring myself to look at her as she died.

Her eyes were closed, gripped tight with agony, but it was as if she sensed my gaze because her eyes blinked open.

White bone flashed under the torrent of blood flowing from a gash to her forehead. It slipped over her face, pooling in the corner of one her eyes. Her eyelashes were wet and clumped.

Though her lip was split, the corners of her mouth jerked up briefly, shakily, bravely. Like she was glad I was there.

When she died, the blood flowed into the whites of her eyes, unchecked. I shifted away from her. My heels were sore from kneeling.

Then she gasped and her body arched. I fell away from her, catching myself on my hands.  Her eyes were wide, same as her mouth, as she yanked air into her lungs.

As her body began healing, I watched as her eyes glinted suddenly in the moonlight, and they were no longer blue, but gold.

The Change had taken hold of her.
*  *  *

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.  I'd love to hear back from you.  :)  Thank you for reading.


Writing Breaks: The Frustrating Kind

I've started a new story (secret codename: TOLT).

Finding this story's beginning was a pain.  It started with getting stood up and discovered, then waiting for a late friend and witnessing murder and then doing a favor for a friend, witnessing a murder, and being chased.

Version #1: 17 pages
Version #2: 6 pages
Version #3: 0 pages

The reason for the 0 pages is because I haven't started writing the third version yet.  I've got the entire first scene in my head and I know from experience that if I run through it mentally over and over again, it will be that much easier to write.

I find it annoying that I spent 17 pages writing only to discover that it was wrong.  Then another 6 pages to find out I was still wrong.  If I write more than ten pages this time and discover I was wrong again, I'm going to go postal on my characters.
